Monday, January 25, 2010

I love cookies and cookies love me.

True story. They do love me.

A few years back my sister gave me the best birthday present ever: a year-long membership to Cougar Mountain Baking Company's "Cookie of the Month" club . Every month, the CMBC sent me 2 boxes of their delicious cookies to my office ranging from my personal favorites, Chewy Molasses-Ginger (June standard) or Lemon Snickerdoodle (July standard) PLUS a mystery flavor-usually their special flavor of the month. To this day, my sis still generously gives me boxes of cookies, albeit typically opened and missing a few cookies.

For a limited time, you can get one of my second favorite cookies and a staple of childhood cookie mania, Oreos FOR FREE! You can also win a chance care with Oreo's Double Stuf Racing League (DSRL) to win a Wonka-like golden ticket and have a true Oreo fashioned lick race with Oreo cookie ambassadors, the Manning Brothers. Winners will receive a 3-day, 2-night trip to Florida and more.

1 comment:

  1. As a followup: The coupon for free Oreos arrived really quick and the cookies lived up to Oreo's reputation!
